We meet new people every day. Our initial acquaintance with most people begins with small talk and banal questions, such as, “What do you do?” Only a handful of people actually respond enthusiastically and describe their occupation with great emotion, and that is one of the main things that caught my attention in Daniel – a special person who spent many hours talking about his love of painting, creating and the infinite freedom he finds in art. His path began sometime during 2009, when he enrolled in the Habetzefer school, from where he continued to the Avni Institute, finally acquiring a degree in visual communications with a specialization in illustration. When looking at his works, the eyes become addicted; to their depth and to imperfections which make them works of art. The grunge, retro, black-and-white style with which he is identified made me fall in love with his works! I met Daniel about four years ago, when Born To Rebel was still Baby In Black. Together, we went through many versions and changes, and we even took a very long break from working together. When I decided that my brand had to see the light of day, Daniel was obviously the first person I approached. I had no doubt that Daniel would be the one standing behind my branding and the first collection to go on sale.
If you want to get to know Daniel and his works, go to his personal page, where you will get to see some of all these great things I got to see: https://www.behance.net/Danielmijatovic